Current Light Flashes
The official voice of West Florida Electric Cooperative:
Classifieds - September 2024
For Sale
Cream colored male Pomeranian, 12 weeks, old ready for his new home, parents on sight, $1,200; small chihuahua; 850-573-1239.
Two Shih Tzu puppies, tiny, 1 girl, 1 boy, born on the eclipse, pad trained, joyful & affectionate; 850-768-0556, text
100% ABGA Registered Boer goats, her dispersal, kids, does, & bucks; 850-849-2426.
U.S. Mint commemorative and United Nation stamp collection, plus extras over $375 face value, will sell for $300 firm; 850-209-1221.
Bunk bed set, 3 years old, dark wood frame, good shape, $350; 231-327-1863.
GenAir all-steel gas grill, cover and tank included; 850-237-2176.
Two 5'x7' area rugs, like new, black and beige vine design; 1-8'x8' off-white Flokati carpet from Greece; 850-326-8226.
6’ yard and landscaping rake, used only a few times, perfect condition, cost $779 new, asking $200; 850-592-4740.
Tyger T1 soft roll up truck bed Tonneau cover, for 2015-2020 Ford F-150, 5.5' bed; 850-573-5117.
Post hole diggers, $15; 2 T-post, 6'6", $2.50 each; 850-547-4639.
2023 Cricket electric scooter, 2 seater, 4 wheels, ramps, very stable, $4,900; 850-830-1505.
Guns, TC Contender, 3 barrels, ammo, $750; Remington 20G skeet, $950; Remington Speedmaster Model 552 - 22; others; 850-830-7653.
Multiple Listings
Branson diesel tractor, model BL95S, 135 hours, front-end bucket, blade, rake, $13,000; 2016 Massimo 500 side by side, 384 miles, very good condition; 334-378-9328.
Three-horse slant trailer; grain wagon; bridle, saddles, tack; coon dog; Alpha 100 tracking system; 850-209-8532 or 850-592-2494.
Square bale annual peanut hay; square bale grass hay; 12x36 walk-in cooler; 850-263-3427.
Australorp chicks, female, $5, male, $4.50, un-sexed, $3.50; eggs w/cartons, $3.50, without carton, $3.50; 850-481-2023.
Homemade/handmade quilts, lap, baby, twin, full or queen quilts; two used bathtubs, to be used for water or feed troughs, great price; 850-547-3649.
Real Estate
16 acres of land, in the Graceville area, portions farmable; 727-403-4463.
Recreational Vehicles
Vintage 1981 Honda Goldwing GL1100, good condition, low miles, $6,500, with 8x12 trailer, $7,500; 850-547-0448.
1984 K-5 Blazer, new tires, transmission, brakes, military edition, 4 wheel drive, turbo, diesel, runs great, $6,000; 850-956-4325.
4 acres of 35–40-year pines, to cut; 850-547-0448.
Horses; ponies; mules; donkeys; 850-209-8532 or 850-592-2494.
150-500 acres pasture land in Holmes or Washington Co.; 850-234-7070.
Penny through dollar coins, loose, in jars, collections and estates, trade or sell; 850-326-3437.
Someone to haul livestock w/pot, from Florida to Texas & Midwest; 850-451-1065.
License plates from any state, mainly Florida, prior to 1980; old motorcycles or parts prior to 1960; 850-557-7030, Greg.
20+/- pasture land, for rent; 850-693-9152.
3.5-year-old healthy, male neutered cat, free to good home; 850-260-0474.
Three females, 1 male mix breed puppies, free to good home, ready for their new home 8/14; 850-573-1239.